
Math Quest Marketplace

Avatar Items

Pricing and availability are subject to change. Some purchases may require scheduling and approval. Market business should not interrupt classroom productivity.

Avatar accounts must be in "good standing" for most purchases and rentals.

Good standing verification to be provided by the student:

✔️ StudentVUE: Overall current quarter grade ≥ 70%

✔️ StudentVUE: No grades of 0 within the current grading period

✔️ Avatar Data Sheet: YES account balance on track to afford monthly rent

Individual Items

Reprints & Replacement Copies of Consumable Class Items

Corrective Services

Equipment Rentals & Privilege Services

DAILY Rentals, Subscriptions, & Privileges

WEEKLY Rentals & Subscriptions

MONTHLY Rentals & Subscriptions

Class Items

The items below are available for purchase through the use of class funds only. A simple majority vote is required to make class purchases.

Pricing and availability are subject to change. Some purchases may require scheduling and approval. Market business should not interrupt classroom productivity.

Class Rewards

YES Transfers

Use the form below to transfer YES funds to a class, another student, or to make a purchase from the market.