About Me

Mr. Richardson

Allow Me to Introduce Myself

I was raised in the rural town of Spray, Oregon where I graduated high school before attending Eastern Oregon University in La Grande. At EOU, I majored in math and mathematics education, earning both Bachelor of Science and Masters in Teacher Education degrees. In pursuit of adventure, my wife and I moved to Prince of Wales Island, Alaska to begin our teaching careers in 2007. During our 11-year Alaskan experience, we welcomed both a son and daughter into our family, operated a commercial salmon trolling business, and enjoyed tremendous personal and professional growth while teaching in the small school districts of Prince of Wales Island. In 2018, we moved our family home to Eastern Oregon. We are excited and feel blessed to have joined the staff, students, and community of Powder Valley Schools in North Powder, Oregon

Certificates, Resume (outdated), & Twitter Feed

Degrees & Certificates

Degrees, Certificates Slideshow

Twitter Feed

Resume (Outdated)

Resume - Matthew Richardson

A Directory of Resources 

Mr. Richardson's Mathematics Content Library

My Professional & Student Growth Goals

FY24 Richardson ITDG's